Choryna Dezavega

Cory was born on December 4th 1989 in Bandung, Indonesia. She completed her bachelor degree in Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, with Interior Design as her major.

She has been interested in architecture and interior design since 2002 when she was 13 years old, and then she pursued her dreams to be an interior designer.

Her hobbies are drawing, designing (yes, of course), writing, watching movies, planning, and dreaming (haha!). She always writes her to-do-lists, dream boards, and timelines. She is an AB blood type girl, but she gives attention to details just like an A type.

When poeple from art and design major are mostly a right brain user, she claims that she is a middle brain person. She is creative, innovative, yet she is a perfectionist and logical person.

Beside designing, she has an interest in cultures too. She was a traditional dancer of West Sumatra (Indonesia), and she loves learning languages. She likes working in a team, she can be a good team member and she can be a good team leader too (since she loves planning everything in detail).

Cory won a T-shirt Design competition held by Kshownow Community, a Korean show subbing team from Malaysia. The illustrations can be seen in this page. She also enjoyed designing logos by requests, and drawing portrait sketches in her free time.

The main plan in her life is to be a really good interior designer. But still, family, friendship, and social life is her priorities. Because in her opinion, human interaction is still the most important of all things, because it determines how good you are as a human being. Being successful is a result. The cause is the person itself.

To be a good interior designer, you need to understand about human first. Because designing interior is not only about aesthetics. It's about how we solve a problem between space and human needs with an aesthetic touch.